Our Services

We support our participants' development and engagement in activities they need to do and want to do. Our therapists can support our participants to develop their emotional regulation, social skills, play skills, fine and gross motor skills, engagement and attention, and sensory processing skills. We engage our participants in the occupation of play, using motivating activities and following the participants lead, to reach therapeutic outcomes.

Occupational Therapy Assessment

Comprehensive assessment highlighting participants occupational performance in the areas of fine and gross motor development, social emotional development, and emotional regulation skills.


Occupational Therapy Progress Reports

Our therapists will supply carers with an occupational therapy progress report at the end of each NDIS funding period, which can be used within NDIS planning reviews. This report is written in relation to the participants goals throughout the funding period, discussing progress made, and any continued challenges.


Weekly Intervention

Therapy plans are discussed during an initial meeting to establish suitable goals for the participant, and when they can be scheduled for ongoing services. We charge by the hour at the standard NDIS rate. Should the NDIS rate be adjusted, our rate will automatically align with it. We will notify our clients of any changes via email if this rate is subject to change.
